The Magnificent Ijen Crater In East Java Indonesia

January 12, 2021

Ijen Crater in East Java is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena to talk about. It refers to eternal blue fire on an amount that cannot go out. Interestingly, the spots of blue fireblook beautiful and magnificent to see. The phenomenon can be seen at the eastern end of Java Island, precisely on the border between Banyuwangi and Bondowoso. If you have a chance, you should start a journey and enjoy unforgettable moments for the rest of your life. As guidance, there are some matters related to Ijen Crater you should know. Check them out.

Kawah Ijen Trip@thisworldtraveled

Eternal Blue Fire

It is said that the blue fire phenomenon only exists here.  The blue fire itself is eternal, meaning that it never goes out. To see the phenomenon, not only travelers who visit there, but also geologists and researchers. They come to conduct research and observations for their studies and jobs. Currently, the blue fire of Ijen Crater is getting more and more popular. It is often mentioned in social media. Even the pictures can be simply browsed here and there. Therefore, it is not surprising if many more people just want to see it whether they are from Indonesia or other countries.

It is an active volcano

Even in Indonesia itself, the name Ijen as a volcano previously is not as popular as other volcanoes bloke Merapi or Mount Agung. Indeed, the popularity of Ijen as a tourist object has only been increased after the era of social media. Currently, many people are also interested to explore new places that look Instagrammable. This is how the fact of Ijen as an active volcano seems just to be realized recently. Since it is an active volcano, make sure to be very careful when you are there. Follow all the instructions given by staff to avoid terrible things happening. More importantly, you should go there at the right time when the volcano calms down.

Full of Sulfur

Sulfur is a kind of substance that is very common to find in volcanoes. So, it is reasonable also if you can widely find it in Ijen Crater. There is nothing wrong with sulfur. It is even beneficial to relieve skin problems. However, sulfur can also be poisonous when the gas is inhaled too much. Therefore, in Ijen Crater, there is a rule that visitors must wear special masks to avoid sulfur gas being inhaled. It is much better if you have prepared it since at home. But in case you have no time to buy it, the masks are available in spots before climbing to the crater. You must rent it. Other gears to prepare are including boots, jackets, and others.

Beautiful Views Around

The next reason why going to Kawah Ijen is a blessing is because of the views around. The rocky hills are all around and they are stunning. Well, there are indeed so many things to see aside from the blue fire itself. Make sure to go there with your loved ones, family, or friends. Don’t forget to perpetuate your moments there to remember in your lifetime.