Complete Ijen Crater Travel Guide: Everything You Need To Know

April 26, 2021

Don’t leave East Java without exploring Ijen Plateau or Kawah Ijen. It is the most beautiful active volcano. This area serves its stunning volcanic cones and sulfur lake. For a more comfortable exploration, you can join out Ijen Crater travel guide service. Check the details below before visiting this destination.

The Location of Ijen Crater 

Ijen Crater is located in an area known as Banyuwangi in East Java. It is also the location of the main access point to Mount Bromo. You will pass through Banyuwangi if you want to go to Gilimanuk in Bali via Ketapang. You are about to ride a ferry from Ketapang, Banyuwangi. 

The Way to Get To Ijen Crater 

You can start the trip to Ijen Crater from Yogyakarta or Surabaya. Take a train from Yogyakarta or Surabaya to Karangasem Station. Those who want to go to this crater from Bali can take a ferry from Bali to Ketapang.  

The Best Time to Visit Ijen Crater 

You are about to visit an active volcano, so it is important to know the right time to go there. The dry season from April to October is the best time to enjoy Ijen Crater. The rainfall level in Ijen Crater is low during these months. That’s why Ijen Crater is crowded during this season.

Tourists are also allowed to go in the rainy season. At least, you can enjoy the beauty of Mount Bromo. One of the best solutions is by joining a trusted Ijen Crater travel guide service. This service will show you the best time to visit Ijen Crater. Visiting this beautiful crater leads you to an unforgettable memory of the wonderful sunrise and clear sky. It seems sad if you can’t see the beauty of Ijen Crater because you are going there at the wrong time.  

The Way to Hike To Ijen Crater 

You can Hike to Ijen Crater to enjoy the most mesmerizing sunrise there. Indeed, you must start the trip at the right time. The best time to hike to Ijen Crater is at 1 am or 4 am. Then, you have to take a walk for about 1.5 to 2 hours. Make sure that you get to the peak of the Crater before 6 am, otherwise you will miss the fascinating sunrise. The Magical Ijen Crater Blue Flame is another fantastic thing you can enjoy if you take a night hiking. One of the benefits of night hiking is that there are not many other tourists around the Crater. As a result, you can enjoy the beauty of the Magical Ijen Crater Blue Flame and sunrise quietly.

Ijen Crater Itinerary 

Following a travel guide package is the best option for first-time tourists who want to go to Ijen Crater. This service has a schedule or itinerary to help you enjoy the trip maximally. Let’s say you can start the trip from Banyuwangi at 1 am. You don’t have to waste time finding a vehicle or public transportation to go there. A travel guide has a package that includes a 4WD vehicle to deliver you to the Crater on time. You can’t go to the peak of the Crater by riding a vehicle. It means you have to walk to reach the peak. Imagine if you don’t know the exact route. It’s wasting your time. You can even get lost. Make sure that you get the latest information. Sometimes, you have to shift the schedule to the morning or cancel it due to the activity of the volcano. The entrance is opened at 2 am in normal condition. You have to climb 3km and come down to the crater. You still have to walk for about 250 meters to get to the bottom of the crater. Your effort is paid because you can enjoy the fascinating Blue Flame there. Take a sit on the summit to wait for the sunrise to appear slowly to show its beauty. During the trip to the peak of the crater, you will enjoy fog, clouds shrouding slopes, scorched trees, dense vegetation of forest, and fields.

The Difficulty Level of the Route 

How about the difficulty level of the route? The route is a little bit difficult to pass through, along with slippy steps. You have to be careful while walking, especially if you take the night hiking. The good thing is that it is a short route.          

Things To Consider 

You can only go to the crater rim due to the Indonesia National Park Regulations. Some people take their risk to go down the Blue Flames with the help of a local miner or worker. You often have to pay IDR 150.000 for each pax to go down to the crater. Make sure that you bring complete safety gear, including a mask. The Crater produces Sulfur dioxide gas that is very dangerous to health. It is better to ask a professional tour guide from a reputable Ijen Crater travel guide service for your safety during the trip.