Some Tips To Climb Bromo Mountain

October 12, 2019

Some Tips to Climb Bromo Mountain

Bromo is one of the favourite mountains that people want to climb, they want to see the sunrise or the sunset there. Before you decided to make a plan to climb this mountain, here are some guide to hiking Mount Bromo that you can pay attention to so your hiking will be so much better

The Anticipation of Cold Weather

The temperature in Bromo is around 100 C, if you can not handle coldness, you better prepare jacket, gloves, inhaler, and things that could make your warm

Do Not Wear Sneaker or Slipper

It is advised to wear boots or hiking shoes so your feet will not get hurt, your sneaker will be damaged and your feet will get hurt if you use the slipper

Prepare the Mask and Sunglasses

Bromo is very windy and the wind contains dust, you better prepare the mask and the sunglasses especially when you have an allergic to the dust

Prepare Your Foods before You Get Hungry

There are some sellers that sell foods but you better prepare bring foods before you get hungry, the price of the foods in the tourism destination is usually more expensive than in usual places

Rainfly Tent

Another guide to hiking Mount Bromo is, if you want to see the sunrise in the B29 area, it means you have to stay there for the night. That is why you have to prepare or at least you have rented this tent, Rainfly tent is suitable for this area because in this area the wind can be very strong and it would make you cold, the rainfly tent has four hooks in every corner so the tent would be stronger

Do Not Forget to Bring Sunscreen

The sunlight that falls in the peak of the mountain is actually dangerous, apply your sunscreen to protect your skin from the UV light that could damage your skin.

Enjoy the Scenery fromĀ  A Far Distance

There are some spots that you can visit to enjoy its scenery, which are Mentigen peak, Seruni peak, and Penanjakan. Those areas are not that far from its crater, it is only 3.5 kilometres so you can still enjoy its scenery

Make Sure You are In The Right Distance

Some people probably want to see the carter in a short distance, but it is actually advised to see it at least from one kilometre away of it. it is because Bromo is still an active volcano so you better make some anticipation for it.

Those are some guide to hiking Mount Bromo that people need to know and understand to avoid something bad will happen. If we already know and prepare things properly, we will feel safer when we are there. Since we are in nature and we do not know what will happen, it is a must to get ready before we climb Bromo mountain. Pay attention to the information and do not forget to prepare it very well.