Yogyakarta Indonesia Tourism

January 18, 2016

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Yogyakarta Indonesia Tourism

Yogyakarta is a special region in Central Java. It is one of the most visited place in Indonesia due to its natural beauty and a cultural heritage. You can find almost everything from beach, mountain, sultan palace and also temples.  Yogyakarta is a place where modern and traditional is blend into such a unique city.

The area of Yogyakarta is 32.5 square kilometers with about 3,452,390 local people live there. The Yogyakarta center place is the Sultan Palace or known as Kraton. Kraton is surrounded by Taman Sari which was built on 1758 as a pleasure garden. Currently Taman Sari has become public garden which can be visited my tourist. Just near by the city of Yogyakarta there is Mount Merapi which is an active Strata volcano. It is also the most active volcano in Indonesia due to its regular eruption.

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