Ijen UNESCO Global Geopark: A Journey Into Earth’s History

August 5, 2024

Ijen UNESCO Global Geopark is one of 14 national geoparks in Indonesia. Of the 14 geoparks, six have been designated as UNESCO Global Geoparks.

In accordance with the UNESCO (2004) definition, a geopark is an area that exposes outstanding geological elements, including biological, archaeological, and cultural values. Furthermore, local communities are encouraged to participate in the protection and enhancement of natural heritage.

A World Heritage Site: Ijen UNESCO Global Geopark

Ijen UNESCO Global Geopark is split between two districts in East Java Province. Part of it is in the Banyuwangi Regency area and part of it is included in the Bondowoso Regency area.

The name ‘Ijen’ itself comes from Mount Ijen. This mountain is the foundation for the geological story in the entire Ijen UNESCO Global Geopark and its relationship with the surrounding biological and cultural elements.

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There are 21 geological sites here, ranging from local to international. One of the geological sites that has an extraordinary phenomenon is the Ijen Crater. It is the most acidic crater lake with blue flames that appear in the Solfatara area.

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Delving into Ijen Geopark’s Geological Treasures: The Ijen Geopark Geological Information Center

Ijen Geopark was officially designated as a UNESCO Global Geopark (UGG) on May 25, 2023. Three other geoparks in Indonesia also received the same thing. In addition to Ijen Geopark, there are Maros Pangkep Geopark in the southern part of Sulawesi Island, Merangin Jambi Geopark in Jambi Province, and Raja Ampat Geopark in West Papua Province.

So, what exactly is a geopark? It’s a pattern of development for an area that combines the principles of protection, utilization, and local economic development through natural tourism activities, which we call geo tourism. Then, a global geopark must consist of several geological traces that have rarity, beauty, or special scientific interest.

Ijen Geopark and three other geoparks have joined the UNESCO-recognized Global Geopark network. The goal is to protect, respect, and promote the world’s geological and cultural heritage. Plus, the designation by UNESCO has led to more sustainable tourism, environmental preservation, and public awareness of the importance of maintaining geological and natural diversity.

The Geological Information Center of Ijen UNESCO Global Geopark

The Ijen Geopark Geological Information Center was set up to help make Ijen Geopark a UNESCO Global Geopark. This information center is on Jalan Gajah Mada, and its architecture is pretty unique and interesting. It has five floors.

This building is not just an information center, it’s also a geological education tourism site. You can learn about Banyuwangi’s cultural heritage, archaeological wealth, and flora and fauna. Interestingly, you can enjoy all the information in the form of digital media in a systematic way.

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This info center has interpreters who are ready to help visitors with and immersive video of Geopark Ijen. The video covers a lot of ground, including tectonic history, archaeological wealth, acid lake, blue fire, Ijen caldera, and more.

You’ll also get to know a variety of geology on the second floor of the building. There, you can watch a short video of Geopark Ijen in the mini theater.

You’ll see culture sites presented attractively through projection maps. Other than that, you can even see foraminifera or one-called organism using a microscope. Therefore, this information center will be instrumental in the development of future science.

Exploring the Natural Wonders of Ijen UNESCO Global Geopark

The Ijen UNESCO Global Geopark is a real treasure of natural wonders and geological marvels. It offers a unique combination of volcanic landscape, unique geological formations, and cultural heritage, making it an exciting destination for tourists and geology enthusiasts. Next, we explore the many attractions of this incredible geopark.

Geological Wonders

The Ijen UNESCO Global Geopark consists of volcanoes, craters, and lava flows. These show how the region has been shaped by geological processes over millions of years.

The most famous attraction is the Ijen volcano and its crater lake, which is the most acidic lake in the world. A variety of geological processes have shaped this lake into a wonder of nature. One of the most striking features is the blue fire phenomenon, caused by sulfur and oxygen. We can only see this hot, blue flame at night because it’s too bright during the day.

Cultural Significance

The Ijen Geopark focuses on education. It runs programs to promote sustainable tourism and community engagement. The Geopark Goes to School initiative helps schools learn about earth science, geoparks, and sustainable lifestyles.

Meanwhile, the School Goes to Geopark program lets students and the public visit the geopark to learn and interact with its features. Furthermore, the Geopark Corner initiative helps schools set up small geopark information centers on their grounds.

Ijen UNESCO Geology Geopark

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Tourism and Community Development

The Ijen UNESCO Global Geopark offers many types of tourism, from learning to having fun. In addition, its special geology and culture make it a popular place for tourists and a model for sustainable tourism and community development.

Geopark management has created many ways to  promote tourism. Furthermore, it includes building new facilities, advertising, and programs to involve the local community.

Efforts to Conserve the Area

The Ijen Geopark manages by prioritizing conservation. Moreover, geopark management has put in place various conservation initiatives. Those cover the protection of geo sites, the preservation of the natural environment, and the promotion of sustainable tourism practices.

Furthermore, the geopark works with the local community to protect the area. It also runs the Geopark Goes to School program to teach local students about the environment.

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So, What’s the Bottom Line?

The Ijen UNESCO Global Geopark is an amazing natural and cultural heritage site. It offers a unique blend of geological wonders, cultural significance, and tourism opportunities.

Moreover, the geopark’s management has implemented various initiatives to promote sustainable tourism, community engagement, and conservation. And, that makes Ijen Geopark an attractive destination for tourists and geology enthusiasts.

As a UNESCO Glopark, Ijen Geopark is famous around the world for its natural and cultural significance. It’s also a big contributor to tourism and economic development in the region.

On top of that, the presence of a geological information center makes Ijen Geopark a stronger competitor for a UNESCO Global Geopark. Thus, educational tourism here could be a great option for both domestic an foreign visitors.

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